Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's bidness time...

I work at a place that sells computers. I love computers. I used to build computers. But I'm not most people. I understand that. We get people in all the time that cant even operate or set up a router to use their newfangled stuff with. So I get the question.....why don't you guys offer a service where a person comes out and can help me with this stuff. We just don't. So I have to turn away the little old lady who politely asks me where she can purchase the internets, or doesn't know that wifi doesnt come from a modem, and theres no coax connector for your laptop.

Until recently.

This lady came in and was PERSISTENT that someone come and help her. Anyone. So, finally I handed her my card, wrote my number on the back and said look. I don't do this usually, so its new for me, but I'll come over and show you some stuff on your device and hook up your router for you. She called later that evening, I went over the next day and set it all up for her, answered all of her questions, and was out the door. "How much do you charge?", she asked. "Just pay me what you think is fair.", I said. She opens up her purse, and hands me a hundred dollar bill. I look at her and say," do you feel ok with that?" "Would you like more?" At that point I was thinking.....holy shit, this woman would pay set up a hour?.....jesus, i've been doing it wrong.  So I told her no, and thanked her, and said if you ever need anything else give me a call and went on my merry way. 

Next day, a guy comes in needing migration done on his computer, oh and his printer set up wireless, can you unlock two phones for my trip as well?  4 hours. Pay me what you think.......$250. On my way out, hey do you think you can come back and teach my wife how to use her stuff, oh and I have a guy that opened up a consulting firm, would you be interested in an IT job? 

So, I think I'm gonna continue doing this little venture of mine for awhile. I love helping people, and if this whole pay me what you think thing keeps going, then damn..I'll take a 60 buck an hour job anyday. 

With all that said, life's ok. Its most certainly taking a turn.

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